4 Agreements: 3. Assume

4 Agreements: 3. Assume


Let's talk about: The Four Agreements book review: Episode 3: Don't Make Assumptions. Asking questions helps us understand one another better - and isn't that the goal of relationships? Melinda and Tiana are talking about it!
Melinda and Tiana are back talking about The Four Agreements book: a practical guide to personal freedom, Don Miguel Ruiz, a nagual (shaman) from the Eagle Night lineage. In episode 3 of the Four Agreements series, Melinda and Tiana dialogue about Agreement #3: Don’t Make Assumptions

“The way to keep yourself from making assumptions is to ask questions.” - Don Miguel Ruiz

We live in the age of difference and can no longer assume we all hold the same meaning of a word. When we practice using our voice to express clearly what we need, and ask enough questions to clear any confusion, we work to tighten connections and enjoy our relationships on a much deeper level.