Coeur Notes: Communications Science - 4Flows Theory

Coeur Notes: Communications Science - 4Flows Theory


Culture is a silent language. Communication constitutes. To name something is to bring it into understanding. Animals, people, and all elements of nature and science are identified through naming. Speaking helps to embrace understanding, declare an existence, and establish meaning. In order to keep organizational and relational flows moving swiftly and smoothly, mindful leaders look to communication theories for identifying problems, maintaining understanding, and clarifying solutions.
Scientific theories are not just for business leaders or corporate giants - they can also be applied to personal leadership, parenting, and for improving relationships. Join me in an exploration of the theory of the Communicative Constitution of Organizations (CCO), commonly called the Four Flows theory, where I discuss the ways this theory makes its presence in the practical world whether you are an individual or represent an organization. The Four Flows theory places communication at the helm of organizational and relational ecosystems, modeling flows of dialogue that supports movement along dialogue and through challenges.

We say this a lot here at Coeur d'Femme: communication is fluid, not fixed. Health has a flow. Stagnation and blockage lead to dysfunction and disease. You'll find it easier to embrace communication tensions when applying a model for moving dialogue forward. Personal and professional relationships require investment and a commitment to listening and learning; one way to invest in your communication skills is to learn about the Four Flows theory. You'll learn more about yourself, and others while enlarging your capacity to communicate effectively.

This project is part of Gonzaga University's master's in Communication and Leadership program. To learn more about the Four Flows theory, or to follow up with me about how this theory could help you improve operations or relationships, join me HERE